Tuesday, July 22, 2008

home church

This is an article I wrote for an online magazine called "Wrecked for the Ordinary."
It's awesome, check out the website! (www.wreckedfortheordinary.com/) They put 
up  new articles a week, which is a huge deal for a website/magazine. 

Anyway, here is the article. It created quite the stir...don't feel bad about questioning
things I write. Read away!


(for some reason, i can't copy and paste things onto this...sorry!)

first post!

When I was younger, my dad tried to explain why some of my English teachers didn't love my writing style.

He told me, "Erin, when you become a writer, then you can take poetic license. Until then, you have to play by the rules."

I did, mostly. But I find that I still cannot resist to write the way that comes naturally--by taking poetic license. Most of the time, teachers let it slide. Even in college, which surprised and pleased me.

Anyway, welcome to my first blog. Hopefully I'll be able to write eloquently, holding nothing back. with no fear of people's reactions. Maybe I'll even inspire someone...

We'll see.