The color green
I recently read an article on wrecked.org (an awesome website--check it out. http://socialjustice.wrecked.org/?filename=faceless-international-spread-the-cause-and-win ) about an organization called Faceless International. They seek to raise awareness about social issues happening throughout the global community through first hand experience and education.
The purpose behind Faceless is simple. They "want to put a face on the many people in our own country and around the world who have gone faceless, or unknown, for so long. Everyday in our own country, people pass by many who are struggling. Each day around the world, people ignore the plight of millions who have no food, no clean water, no education or even no freedom." These are all important issues that society as a whole tends to ignore or overlook. It's so painful, people can't even look at it. It's time to open our eyes and do something about it.
Check out these websites:
http://www.madebysurvivors.com/ (especially since Christmas is coming up. What could be better than to give a gift that also helps people break from human trafficking and other hopeless situations!)
Faceless International offers trips around the world (and in the US) to help educate people about the horrible truths of social injustice. Many of the trips focus on human trafficking, which is a real threat all of the world, including the USA.
Here are some terrible, but very true, facts about human trafficking:
*There are 27 million people enslaved around the world today.
*1.2 million children are estimated to be trafficked each year with an estimated 50,000 trafficked into the United States.
*One person is trafficked every minute around the world.
*The average cost of a slave is $90
Step up. Be the change. Do something about it.