Nap dreams are always the strangest, especially if you can manage to remember them after the fuzzy moments of delirium upon waking up. I'm thinking about keeping a dream journal. In any case, I thought this one was too weird not to be shared....
I was taking a much-needed nap this afternoon and had a CRAZY dream involving Emily Guck, me, Mo, (katie's cat) and a really bizarre elevator.
There was a giant elevator we had to take to visit some important boss person in a really tall building. We are talking about a GAINT circular (I'm not even sure those exist) elevator here--the elevator had a men's bathroom in it!? (which happened to be right around the corner of the "lobby" of the elevator and lacked a door.) Weird. The elevator had to go to the very top floor and would take awhile, which is why, I assume, Emily and I decided to bring Mo. Less weird, let's be honest here.
We get on the elevator with Mo and let her have free roam of the place. About 7 feet above us, running the entire circumference of the huge elevator is a little ledge. It's perfect for Mo to run around on, which she promptly does, and begins to explore the elevator. (Just to give you a visual, the elevator is about the circumference of SLU Theatre's mainstage (from proscenium to proscenium). AKA really huge. Emily and I push the button for the top floor, and we begin our ascent into the sky. We are just standing around talking when all of a sudden, we hear someone in the men's bathroom! Emily and I freeze, and then see Mo begin to creep on the ledge toward the men's bathroom, whose walls did not reach the ceiling of the giant elevator and which, as you may recall, does not have a door. We both jump and grab for Mo, but she gracefully leaps into the men's bathroom, disappearing behind the not-as-high-as-the-ceiling
Panic. Silent, paralyzed panic. Finally, Emily whispers "We should warn him" and I whisper back "ok...you can." She shakes her head and says I should do it, but I'm scared out of my mind and wonder how on earth we are going to explain this conundrum to the important boss man (because obviously he will know about it) and how to cure him of the terrible mood this unfortunate event will put him in once he hears about it.
I clear my throat, close my eyes, take a deep breath, will the butterflies in my stomach to calm down, and say "Excuse me....sir?"
Then I wake up.
Some people say that dreams are our subconscious revealing a deep, dark secret to ourselves. If that's true, then it looks as though I really miss Emily Guck, think Mo is a hilarious whippersnapper, and have a fear of men's bathrooms and "important boss people." Actually, that sounds quite accurate...
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