Friday, March 27, 2009

Insignificant People

Topic from class: Who are the insignificant people in/around you?

As much as I hate it, the are a lot of people around me who I deem insignificant. And how dare I? Who am I, a small speck in the great sands of the universe, a short thread in the tapestry of life, to deem others insignificant? How dare I? Theirs is a life filled with hopes, dreams, heartache, troubles, joys, sorrows, just as mine.

And I wonder who I am insignificant for.

How many people see me without really looking, does anyone hear me and take the time to listen?

Often, or rather sometimes, I experience moments when I think about how insignificant I am in the Great Scheme of things. I'm just me. And sure, I help people, I love with wild abandon and seek to expand my horizon and give back some of this joy that overflows in my heart, but really, I'm just one. There are times when I think about how many people there are in the world, and I am just one. One who is privledged and one who is blessed, yet still one. And then I think, "But he loves me still. If the world were empty and I were the only one left, He still would have died for me." And my heart soars with the knowledge that I am significant. I am important! I am loved. 

And it's just me, here, living a life where I reach out to all the other significant people around me, and try to show them their own significance. 

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