Monday, April 6, 2009

God is an artist

Inspired by a comment I made below in an interview about my photos....

God is an artist

 I think God is an artist. I mean, look around. Go outside, smell the air after a thunderstorm. Stare at the stars from the top of a mountain, listen to a brook or the ocean’s waves crashing on a beach. Feel the wind dance across your skin in the autumn, taste a handful of water from a fresh spring. All of that is art. We are art. Watch a baby take tiny steps, listen to the laughter of old friends. God is an artist, and everything around us points back to Him. If He is the master artist, and we are made in His image, well then…art can teach us a lot about Him, and ourselves. Christians should first take a second to realize the art that surrounds them, the beauty we so often take for granted. We don’t “need” to do anything but praise God for his glory. If we take joy in His creation, that will point people to Christ. Simply noticing God around us will make all the difference.


God is an artist 
The sand between our toes 
The moss beneath our feet 
The tulips that wave their hello to the sunny sky 
Your laughter 
My smile 
The way our fingers entwine 
The drumbeat of our hearts 
Sweet smell of a summer’s rain 
Autumn’s restless rustle 
The Big Dipper, always in line with the North Star 
A symphony of sound 
Cascades around me 
The brook 
Which dances its hello 
Around smooth rocks 
Aged but ageless 
And time swirls away and I cannot keep track 
Of the way my spirit soars 
Or the hours I lose, 
Lost in pure joy and awe 
And my hand 
Is art 
My knobby knees, bony elbows, pudgy toes that I won’t let people see 
The wind which kisses my cheek 
As the sun caresses my shoulders 
And the clean, mountain air makes me feel so alive 
Suddenly it’s clear 
In the baby’s smile 
First steps, first laugh 
In my mother’s laughter 
My father’s eyes 
We are art, 
I am a masterpiece 
Bound by eternal, unconditional love 

God is a comedian 
The awkward giraffe baby bends its lanky knees to test the grass with his tongue 
The huge hippo twitches its tiny ear, pretending to be nimble 
The fat puppies squirm their full tummies in the grass, desperate to romp in the sunshine 
I watch a penguin attempt to walk 
The brown duck’s waddle 
Just look at a platypus, or 
A llama—hairy, wooly—as it spits in someone’s face 
And it snows 4 inches in April but melts by 11:00 am because temperatures raise to 78 F 
And I laugh in wonder 
Or hysterics 
And you laugh with me 
The fat barrel dog in North Carolina that made me cry tears of hilarity 
Interrupting Thanksgiving dinner 
The way cats get puffy tails when scared 
A dog thinking its own foot is trying to steal the bone from its mouth 
Your silly jokes 
Can’t catch my breath 
As I wonder at the world 
And the things in it 
Made by the great master himself 
God is an artist 
And I 
Well, I am art.